Monday 31 August 2009

Union X gig shoot.

I had a little trip out last night with a camera.

Made me feel a little better about my fav venue closing.

I went to the Salutation Inn in Nottingham last night .

I shot an amasing gig with Union X. A LOUD rock band based in Nottingham.

My ears are still ringing because i forgot my earplugs again. pillock.

Sunday 30 August 2009

A sad night for Mark.

My favourite gig venue , The Intake Club , closed its doors for the final time last night.
over the last couple of years, i must have taken thousands of photos of bands ,and friends ive made there.
It was probably the best turn out the Intake has seen in some time. Hundreds of people who've supported the Intake turned up, along with a large number of band members who've played their in the past.
A great night was had by all, tinged with a little sadness.
I just wanted to say a big thankyou to Si and Joy who ran the place.
i got a little carried away with the camera last night.
you can see the results on my myspace page.

Wednesday 19 August 2009

Model listings.

Rainbow are now compiling a model list for their studio hire clients, and motorcycle photography clients. to use.
This has had an excelent response from a number of local models, and will at some point be available on our main website, as well as a folder in the studio.
So thankyou ladies for responding to our requests for models.

email from a happy couple

Hi Tina,

Just a quick thank you for photographing the wedding on saturday, thought you and Mark were excellent. Look forward to seeing you when we return from our honeymoon Graham

Sunday 16 August 2009


Busy week.

portrait session and a wedding.

The realy nice kev and his kids have been immortalised by Rainbow.

Tina has finaly managed to finish the bike shoot edit.


The gorgeous Toxicity Twitch.

Yesterday, we were at Ringwood Hall for the wedding of Graham and Sally.

a little chaotic, with three weddings in the same day at the venue.

Three bridal parties , dodging and weaving to avoid each other, but the shoot went very well, and the bride and groom were realy good to work with.

Graham even bought me a drink.

Ta graham.

Tina was upstairs shooting the bridal preparations , while i bossed graham, and his best man around.

Oh , and the best mans speech was amongst the best i've heard. I have heard, a lot.

after me shooting the speeches, it was time to sit in the bar of the marquee and look through the shots with a coke in hand.

I'm really pleased with some of the candid shots i sneaked , with the long lens while the guests chilled out.

Theyre going to be surprised.

Arrived home at about 7PM and had a feed.

Then of out to the Intake Club to shoot MOTORKILL.

Despite the rather poor attendance, they put on an amasing show."lemmy" being particularly good at playing to the camera.

this is the second time i have seen them, and they dont disappoint.

A busy week, and then work at the studio today, preparing the sign boards for outside, while Tina sorted yet more stock that arrived this week, for the shop.And prepared another wedding album.

Anyone visiting will be impressed, with the new place,as indeed the bride from a recent wedding, collecting her proof book, was.

Keep an eye out for further updates.


photo of the week

Friday 14 August 2009

Rainbow Special Offer.

As i'm a big ROCK music (and other music come to that) fan, i've decided to offer something a little special to the bands out there.


FOR JUST £75 were going to offer band promo shoots to publicise Rainbows new studio.

these will include upto 20 HIGH RES IMAGES ON A CD. licenced for the bands use.

That means although we still own copyright, you can use the pics however you wish.

Album covers, posters, whatever.

this will be for a very limited time

normally a cd of high res images would run to several hundred quid.

The downside?

We might use some of your images to promote our biz too.

So you get even more coverage.

Aint that awful.

01623 473540 for details, or to book a 1 hr shoot.

be quick.

Saturday 8 August 2009

The shop

The shop is filling up with stock, as you can see from the pictures Tina posted earlier.
The frames with names, is a new line for us, and selling at very reasonable prices too.
And of course, if customers buy after a shoot , we can put there photographs into one of these frames for them.
the 3D posters really have to be seen to be appreciated.
We have a selection of ready made canvas prints too. real beauties(i am biased obviously).
The reception/viewing area is complete, bar a few pictures being hung (tomorrow?)
The remaining background brackets are up in the studio too.


Still busy.

Off to the studio again shortly.
More work. Now theres a surprise.
Finishing touches now realty.
Little things that customers wouldnt notice, but are really annoying me.
Bits of paintwork that arent quite spot on, and door catches to sort out.Trim to tidy up and look at painting the front hoarding above the main entrance.
Its 3.9 metres by two metres and is about to be covered by a HUGE sign,so needs prepping .

Tina has finalised the design and sent the files off to the sign makers.
Oh and i have got to paint the boarding made for the railings outside the studio.
Also going to be covered in signage.
Were even putting one over the window too. 1.5 x 2 metres.
You wont have trouble spotting us. ahaha.
Catch you later .

Saturday 1 August 2009

More work.

Guess where i've been today?
You guessed it.
Down at the studio.
I've been fitting some boom arms to the wall , to mount flash heads, or reflectors on.
Tinas been building up our HUGE new reflectors, and generaly tidying up.
We have our first portriait session in the new studio tomorrow.Wooohooo.
I have a few finishing touches to do in the morning, but they will have to wait until i've been out to see Buckcherry tonite at Rock City.